Melisa Fluhr, Co-Founder
"It hasn't been easy, life isn't always balanced and it's been a ton of work. But it is pretty awesome putting my head on my pillow each night knowing that a simple vision can turn into a whole lot of possibilities!"

Pam Ginocchio, Co-Founder
"Project Nursery started as a way for me to share amazing finds for the family home, and this passion has grown into a full-fledged business. It’s an exciting time to be an entrepreneur, mother, and I’m loving every minute of it."

Katie Kavulla, Director of Customer Experience & Operations
"Working on the Project Nursery marketing team feels like the best of all my past work worlds colliding...in a big explosion of swaddle blankets and uber chic cribs."

Beth Williams, Director of Content & Fulfillment Processing
"I love the community of moms and dads out there on the internet willing to share, support and inspire others. Lucky me, I also get to ensure their nursery inspiration and packages are delivered just right!"